Facial Liposuction, Fat Transplant Review/ One month/ Dr. Lee Dong Hoon

관리자 2021-04-03 04:04 4315

[ Front Angle Before, After the Surgery ]


[ Side Angle Before, After the Surgery ]


I did Facial Liposuction and Fat Transplant Surgery together hahaha

I supplemented my facial shape by doing liposuction on the fatty area and transplanting the fat on the dent area!!

A month has past from the surgery, now I have no swellings or pain haha

I like the change of my image where I look younger after the surgery.

I don't know how many selfies I take a day haha

I have told the doctor to transplant the fat naturally, and

I'm so happy that the surgery seems to have gone pretty well without being so excessive. (hahaha)

People who did not see me for a long time asked if I had the facial contouring surgery, and they also said that I lost a lot of weight~!

As I heard that I got prettier, my confidence rises and I wonder why I didn't do the surgery earlier~

I'm on the diet right now and I'm also using the facial garment together.

So I will be prettier in next month and in two month am I right?

I am really looking forward to it haha



