My parents offered me to get rhinoplasty

임수희 2019-08-23 02:08 9306


I have small nose compared to the overall face area.

I also have hawk nose that makes me look like a country girl.

Unlike other people, my parents suggested me first to get the surgery.

Other people tell me my parents are awesome lolol

Since it's my parents' recommendation rather than my decision,

I had more fear and anxious than happiness from getting the surgery ):

I still vividly remember when I first entered the hospital.

[The day of operation]

But I settled down while I had consultation with the doctor

and was able to finish the surgery well.

But the problem was after the surgery.

There're cottons inside my nose, not talking about the tape on the outside,

and I couldn't breathe...flu is nothing compared to this TT

Because of this, I won't ever get rhinoplasty even if I have to.

I recommend practicing breathing with your mouth before getting the surgery..

[1 month after surgery]

A week later, I went to the hospital to get the progress checkup,

and removed the cotton and it was heaven right there.

As the tapings were coming off, I could see my nose little by little even though it was swollen,

but I could tell the difference from before and after.

[2 months after surgery]


I took so many selfies since it's rhinoplasty.

The nose line changes every time the swelling gets better.

My friends have told me that I have elegant impression now.

Some close friends told me I look like a badas*

but it's still better than childish and country girl.

[4 months after surgery]


I personally was so impatient for a month,

and now I'm writing this to tell you not to worry.

It's so cool how the nose changes every month, but

the swelling is still in progress even after 3 months lolol

I could understand why people do double eyelid but not with anything else.

Since I've done it once, I only look at other people's nose and tell them "You should do it." lololol It's a whole new life.



