Forehead Fat Grafting + Eyes + Nose Review!!

최새미 2019-08-31 23:08 11420

Hello! I don't know how to start but I'm a woman in her 20s

satisfied 200% after the surgery lolol

My face was very plain with no double eyelid, so I used to 

use tape to create one from high school lol

Friends after another started getting the surgery, while I only contemplated about it.

I couldn't decide whether to get it or not but seeing my friends with their results I also wanted to get one..

I can't be using tape for rest of my life..

I got consultation from several places but my mind went with Dodream,

and it's been more than half a year since I got the surgery. 

I got forehead fat grafting, eyes, and nose surgery.

My eyelid was saggy due to tape

and I had to put strength to make my eyes bigger.

So I did incision eye correction.

My forehead isn't that small but flat so having bang was a must ):

The swelling went away super fast after a month.

For 2 weeks, it felt like swelling became stagnant,

but I made sure to drink pumpkin juice, go on a walk, and not eat salty food.

Then the swollenness reduced very quickly.

I gained my confidence after every people have told me 

I got prettier lolololololololol





I stopped counting dates after second or third month.

So many "what if" thoughts passed my mind,

but if I have done non-incision then my eyes would've became loose already…I'm glad I did it with incision method.

The forehead doesn't look too artificial and looks natural enough with volume, so my confidence for side profile went upup

I had to spend so much time to photoshop the pictures

but now I look good in original picture so I only use filters lololol



I deleted all the pic from dark ages and only left with this,

and I'm going to upload it for comparison lol

My friends wanted to get plastic surgery from where I got mine,

so it's THAT great!! 



