People changed their attitudes LOL

박광진 2019-08-15 00:08 10322


I'm doing this with courage lol

I have no where

to show off about the surgery.

So I'm going to do it here lol

My face line was very uneven, and I had butt chin….

I had flat and tilted nose also.

I had somewhat tacky and sharp image…right..?

[2 months after surgery]

This is what after surgery looks like lol

The doctor made it not too sharp and just natural,

and I asked him to soften out the butt chin.

And the line came out to be what I wanted.

Sorry for this pics…lol

My impression did change tho.

I've heard that I look like a celebrity lol

Not all men should live the way they are.

[6 months after surgery]

I think half a year is the finish line?

My nose and face line are all nice lol

The result is what I expected,

and my impression changed also.

It feels good to get all the wows~



