Face Contouring 3 Types 8 months transition

류주은 2019-09-04 23:09 9914



[After 8 months]


It's been 8 months now.

After the stagnation period,

the swelling that would never get better actually got better.

The mysteries of human body after face contouring lol

Plastic surgery is either hit or miss,

and I never found the perfect hospital

and had to debate about it a lot and chose one to do it.

Can't believe it's already 8 months lol

I don't have any inconvenience now.

I was so obnoxious about going wrong

but now I eat whatever and open my mouth however lololol

I like the result overall.

I have a thought it would've been better if the tip was little more pointy,

but my friends told me right now is the best hehe

Other people and I agree that the results are great.

Oh and this is 3 types.



[Before surgery]


This is before……

You can also agree on the after effect right? Lol



