Reactions are hotter

선지애 2019-09-23 02:09 8542


One week △

One month △


There's a crazy pain for a week,

but it got lesser from the second week!!

There were sharp pain at times

but the pain is definitely weaker~

But then this subtle pain lasted for a month

so I kept myself inside.



Two months △

The breast was getting its shape

but the texture wasn't as great as the shape..

I got really sensitive about the texture

more than size or shape^_^;;



Three months △


  Six months △


After six months, even the indefinite swelling,

that I didn't even know it existed, reduced all the way,

and shape and texture were so smooth heheheheh

I wore bikini for the first time last summer

and took the best pic ever and posted on social media.

All the people had so much response, and that's when I knew I made a good choice :)

It's tough for first month

but it's fulfilling afterwards.



