More defined feature

김희수 2019-10-29 03:10 7102

Before surgery

4 months after surgery

Non-prothesis + Ear cartilage + Wide nose correction

I didn't think I needed to get rhinoplasty, but people have told me I would look better just by doing my nose.

I honestly thought my nose weren't so bad, but after looking at wide nose correction review it wouldn't be so bad afterall.

Since I did face contouring and nose together, I was careful of what I eat.

I was forced to go on a diet, eating everything ginded and in small amount,

and I actually lost weight along with the small swellings.

People get shocked when I tell them I did everything at once,

and I used to think it wasn't that big of a deal before the surgery but now I realized I achieved something so great heheh

Doing one surgery would lead to inconvenience anyways so it was easy-peasy.

If something is nerve-wrecking before it even starts, then nothing can be done.

Anyways, I can do daily activities and everything is going fine.

I feel great just without my fat nose, but the side line is so gorgeous ); I love it!

Without the wide nose, I feel like I have more defined features hehe



