Breast Surgery Finally...

이보영 2019-12-04 04:12 7833


6 months

I didn't see anyone with smaller breast than I did..that's how small by chest was...

But I finally got the breast surgery..

FYI, my chest size was 64 and got 295cc.

At first, it was really painful.

On top of that, the breasts felt tight and they were apart for about a month D;

Thought no one should get it...

But seeing my big breasts made everything better lol

The thight feeling went away after 2 months but the size got smaller after the swelling got better :(

From the 3rd month, the complexion disappeared and the shape was in place and the distance became shorter.

The cleavage wasn't there but slowly formed.

My breasts came together when I wore a bra, and the style totally changed(;

The shape and texture are all satisfying.

The texture before the complexion disappeared was partially soft but came out to be natural now.

I'm waiting to get soft overall after about a year :-D



