3 types face contouring, changed much?
2019-04-09 01:04 9826
I got 3 types face contouring.
I was nervous until the day of surgery,
but it's very nice to see the amazing results (;
I'm glad I got the face contouring.
I hoped to see the changes only by me but other people have said my face changed and
some of my friends even asked me if I got face contouring LOL
I think it's very noticeable that I got prettier.
After 2 months, I didn't have any problems with outside activities.
As the face shape got more defined, I also gained my confidence.
If I think about how much I suffered in the beginning, I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
If I see the results..I wouldn't stop them from getting it.
How cunning..(;
results of how clean my face shape got.
I hated looking at my chin and jaw line,
but now I feel like I have barbie doll face line.
The v-line )': I love it.
The doctor had very cold impression, personally, and
I really couldn't focus during consultation. But I think he was concentrated.
I did what I asked for and really put all his effort into it.
It's kind of embarrassing...but here is the before picture..
If you scroll up,
you'll know what I mean..
The surgery went very well ((((: