Double eyelid, upper canthoplasty, and rhinoplasty

안선아 2019-05-19 02:05 9767


The quality of life has changed completely after the surgery Heheh

I had sharp image with low nose bridge, and after the surgery

people I meet for the first time tell me I'm really pretty.

I even got the job related to beauty. Plastic surgery helped me a lot );

I think this is the best picture I've ever taken in my life.

I'm so different from before the surgery..

I heard that I look like a celebrity that I like, and that gave me confidence.




I took this picture recently, and the most dramatic change happened because of my eyes.

My eyes used to be wide but small,

and didn't look natural at all with the photoshop.

But now I even like the original picture!!!! Haha

It could've been a trouble if I got higher nose;;;

Everyone tells me I look naturally pretty.

I was able to get the right height for me all because of

who kindly explained everything so carefully.

My nose was swollen until the second month which made it seem higher than I thought,

but after half a year all the swellings are gone

and looks natural now (;



I got incision double eyelid surgery with canthoplasty,

so many people asked me about the swelling.

Honestly, I wasn't that swollen..hehe

At first, I drank pumpkin juice, but didn't eat it because it was nasty and

got tired of it, and all I did was putting hot & ice pack.

This picture is from about 2 weeks after the surgery, and it's not bad at all right??


Let me sacrifice myself for the reference..

Here's the before picture lolololololololololol

I looked better in person, but this picture is just shocking.

FYI, I did nose bridge and tip and upper canthoplasty for my eyes.



