Man shall do nose!

김진우 2019-05-21 23:05 10345


Time flies..6 months already passed..

When I still had bandages inside my nose, I was counting stars for the time to go by.

But after I got everything taken off, time passed by instantly LOLOL

How to pick my nose :-/ or when I can wash comfortably,

those concerns were constantly on my mind.

And here we are at 6 months.....I've seen other people who were still swollen up to a year,

but I think mine won't change much from now.

I had wide nose bridge, so I wasn't sure if I could have sharp nose.

Fortunately, I have just the right line and height that I wanted.



After the rhinoplasty, I worked out and gained more muscle,

and now I'm satisfied about how I look LOLOL

I had wide nose and had low nose bridge for a man, so everywhere I go told me to get osteotomy.

When I was searching for information before the surgery, people who got osteotomy got swollen so badly, and some even came out to be horrible..

So I really didn't think about getting it.

Everytime I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but notice it, and 

my friends pushed me to get it.

Half a year has passed.......and the results are amazing (:



Just by looking at the nose itself, this line is just what I wanted.

I have wide face and never liked taking pictures from the side,

but I have confidence now.


The stressful before picture of wide and low nose bridge is left here…

And I shall end it ): LOL



