• Operation Time
    About 1 hour

  • Anesthesia Method
    General Anesthesia

  • Hospital Treatment
    2~3 times

  • Hospitalization
    Discharged on the day of operation

  • Stitch Removal
    After 7 days

  • Recovery Period
    After 5~7 days

Dodream Long Nose Surgery

If the nose is 1/3 the size of the face, the overall proportion is ruined. The stooped nose can portray stubbornness and appear old, but the surgery is performed through precise diagnosis and plans and improve to look younger.

  • If the nose looks like an arrow

  • If the nose tip is droopy due to aging

  • If the nose is too long or too saggy compared to overall face structure

Surgical Procedures

Autogenous Cartilage Complete Fixation

The droopy part of cartilage is resected and secured, allowing the cartilage to move upward. This makes the length shorter and the autogenous cartilage plays the role of supporting the nose. If the sagging is too severe, the nasal muscle is resected through small incision and the autogenous cartilage supports the nose for
long period of time.




