Just enough volume!!

박혜진 2019-11-16 03:11 7000

I preferred natural volume so I had 330cc.


2 weeks

Time really doesn't go by the first week hahah

The reviews told me there are difference in first and second week, and it did get natural on the second week,

My breast were pretty firm on the first week, but on the second week it got so much softer.

Movement was very careful and somewhat uncomfortable, but it's better than the first week.

2 months

The swelling is almost all gone, and I can't feel the prothesis and very soft!

Now I know why time solves everything lol

3 months

The shape came out really good starting from the third month.

The soreness started to get better from the nipples~

4 months

It felt awkward and exciting to have breast suddenly,

but starting from fourth month they were my own (:

I couldn't wear any tanktops and slouch down to not show my breast and now I'm so confident!!

I can confidently say my bra size at the store );

I'm so happy ))':

5 months

As the time passed by, the recovery went faster,

which allowed the breast to be more natural and beautiful 

No problems with activities and the texture is so much better than I expected bb

6 months

Honestly, I always thought the prothesis will be so obvious no matter how well the surgery went.

But sixth month is the bomb lolol

I can't even remember myself before the surgery and I don't want to think about it

Finite satisfaction from every angle!



