Eye Revision
More Cautious! More Careful!
Operation Time
About 30 Min.
Anesthesia Method
General Anesthesia
Discharged on the day of operation
Hospital Treatment
1 Time
Recovery Period
After 5 days
What is Dodream Eye Revision Surgery?
The cause of the eye revision surgery is accuartely identified and analyze the cause of failure through 1:1 customized surgery in order to find the patient's confidence.
Dodream Revision Surgery Clinic
Like all the other operations, revision surgery is more sophisticated than the initial surgery.
The revision surgery accurately identifies the cause and sets the most appropriate surgical method, so the professional counseling is necessary. Especially, the eyes have much movements, and in case of adhesion from the previous surgery, skillful know-how is required.

Ideal Candidates for Eye Revision Surgery
If you want to change the configuration of the line after the surgery
If the double-eyelid
has been loosened
If you have complex due to asymmetrical line
after the surgery
If the swelling does not go away and the scar
clearly remains
What is Dodream Eye Revison Surgery?

Accurately analyze the cause of failure from the initial surgery

Minimize the scar and eliminate any signs of revision surgery

Minimize tissue damage through correcting within
the range of ideal line

Design the line by considering the face shape and
the skin condition around the eyes