It's been 6 months since square jaw and chin surgery!

강혜원 2019-11-21 04:11 7289



As I constantly looked at my face, I had to fight with time and not I'm really in the safe zone of 6 month period hehe

Time flies (; Already 6 months...

It felt numb until last month but my sensation came back completely.

Opening my mouth is more comfortable than before!

Sensation depends on the person, but it's been said progress should be checked for at least 6 months to a year~?

Fortunately, my senses came back within 6 months (:

If yours hasn't come back and it's starting to worry you, don't fight with it but rather wait patiently with your mind cleared up!

You'll be happy to see the changes day by day :D

I still feel happy to see myself in the mirror lol but I'm also waiting patiently for the mouth opening and other imperfected things!

Anywho, I gained my self-confidence after the face contouring! And no more stress whenever I take pictures or looking in the mirror (;

I truly recommend for though contemplating about getting face countouring! Do it ASAP!! (-:



