Liposuction only on calves and ab

홍채은 2020-04-23 03:04 6219

Before Surgery

After Surgery

Before Surgery

After Surgery

I had thigh liposuction 4 years ago

This time it was only for calves and ab~

I was pretty satisfied with thigh liposuction and that made me go for ab and calves

There are some people who gain the weight back after liposuction but I am not one of them

The only problem was relatively thicker-looking calves due to thinner thighs that I came to have lol

Guess arm is next.........lmao

Anyway I believe I do a good diet after liposuction for like a month 

It's not easy to keep doing liposuction for my salary.

Thinking about quitting drinking too lmao

At first, ankles got swollen a lot but now it's almost gone~

I will really have a good diet for the rest of my life not to waste the money!



