Breast BellaGel 325cc 1 year review^^
2020-09-17 01:09 11084
[ Front angle Before/ After the surgery ]
[ Side angle Before/ After the surgery ]
Before the surgery, I had a small A-size breast
I was teased about my small breast several times
I've been very stressful which made me do the surgery
For the implants I chose BellGell 325cc on each side
The incision was made on the armpit^^
In the beginning, my breast and armpits were hurt every time I moved my hands
and I had shooting pains in my breast
With every month, pain had gone and the the the sensation of touch got better.
Now it totally feels like my natural breast haha
The breast shape looks very natural as well
I consistently applied the scar ointment, so there are no scars on my armpits.
My treatments rewardingly caused me good results haha
Since my breast is bigger, any clothes I try looks completely different now.
Now even my body shape looks much better
If you are stressed about your breast I recommend you the Breast Augmentation!