Eyes, Nose, Facial countouring surgery 1 year review

손다영 2020-11-19 03:11 5576

[ Front angle Before/ After the surgery ]


[ Side angle Before/ After the surgery ]


It's been 1 year since I got the surgery done! 

I did Eye, Nose, and Facial contouring surgeries

Double eyelids, hawk nose correction, and cheekbone + square jaw correction!

Recovery time would take too long if I did each surgery separatly,

so I decided to do all in one time LOL

On other hand, recovery process took longer than usual.

My face was swollen for a month ㅜ.ㅜ

I had to drink pumpkin juice a lot and apply the ice pack on my face ~ 

(Now I hate drinking pumpkin juice haha)

After 2 weeks after surgery swellings on the nose and eye area were gone, so the problem was face contours

Swellings were gone only after 4 months.. I'm glad I didn't have any other difficulties 

It took about half year for completed recovery and after I was able to get back to my normal daily life!

I was so surpised to see my photos before the surgery LOL

Look like two different people....

I still think that decision to do all the surgeries together was good decision

I'm happy to be able change my appearance with no side effects

Let's keep in touch! 



