This much with long chin reduction!
장소리 2019-06-25 00:06 10459
I think people with long chin has similar nicknames.
Chinny chin-chin, pelican...
I also had somehting like that.
I don't understand why only my chin grows, out of all the parts.
I was going crazy from it TT
But now?
It went in! Keke
Not little but A LOT!
Dodream told me I didn't need to get bimaxillary surgery.
I was suspicious about how much it'll go in
But I'm glad I trusted the doctor :)
B&A front view contrast!
B&A side view contranst!
I'm so glad I got reduction surgery instead of bimaxillary surgery.
I wasn't overbite or anything and didn't need to go through all the trouble
My friends said it looks so natural and get jealous lol
Thank you, doc!!