Revisional Rhinoplasty & Facial Contouring (Dr. Lim Chan Soo)

유하리 2020-09-29 04:09 5769

[ Front angle Before/ After the surgery ]


[ Side angle Before/ After the surgery ]

I did nasal bridge, bone, and tip osteotomy for my nose

and cheekbones, square jaw, and chin surgery for my face contours ^.^

I got nose surgery once, in the Middle school due to the accident

I wish it had turned out pretty that time…

With age, my nose became asymmetrical and looked fatty

Eventually, I end up doing revisional nose and face contouring surgery together~

Due to my long and protruding face

I've been always concerning about facial contouring surgery.

So decided to ask some questions regarding the face contouring on the consultation

The consultant manager explained to me everything that I decided to do it!

It was a spontaneous decision, but I'm not regretting at all ^.^

Surprisingly, after 1 month my face is not very swollen~

Especially my face contour did not swell a lot!

I can open my mouth bigger and the tingling feeling is disappearing~

I feel like my recovery process is going well (haha)

Nose bruises were gone after 2 weeks and swelling disappeared after 3 weeks

The stubby feeling disappeared and the face line came out splendidly and naturally!!

I'm happy with the results of both nose and facial contouring surgery.

I will keep taking care of myself and get better results~



