Review on Breast Augmentation with Mentor Smooth Implants

정은선 2020-09-30 04:09 5775

[ Front angle Before/ After the surgery ]


[ Side angle Before/ After the surgery ]

Implants: Mentor Smooth

Size: 250, 275cc

Incision: Under armpits

I'm not flat-chested anymore~!

2 months passed by so fast that I didn't notice it~ (haha)

Since I got an incision under my armpits

In the beginning, I wasn't able to move my hands or lift heavy things

It took me one month for recovery process~

I had to sleep in the proper position. 

so I couldn't take a good sleep worrying that I might turn to the side while asleep.

But then I got used for it so I'm sleeping well now (haha)

My skin is getting more flexible and

I'm really satisfied with the breast size!!

At first, I wanted the max size 

but then Doctor recommended picking 250 and 275cc

I'm glad that I decided to listen to Doctor's suggestion (haha)

My breast looks good now but I'm still on the recovery process~

I hope to recover fast!



